Messaging planning


Organize the chaos into a consistent brand voice



Messaging architecture ties to brand

Versions for customer journey stages

Versions for different audience needs

Versions for communication channels


Brand advertising taught me about messaging focus. One-to-one marketing taught me about messaging customization. Along came digital, which scaled the opportunity to communicate in the most relevant way, but which also scaled the potential for messaging chaos.

Each goal, each audience, and each channel needs attention

Examples of different tools to bring order:

  • Customer journey messaging framework

  • Social media content plan

  • Brand boilerplates for employees (social media, bio, email sign-off, etc)

  • Communications brief to engage creative team

I have frameworks for team collaboration

I can lead the messaging strategy and your team. They will learn by doing, contributing to the build out of the frameworks from the beginning. Once they have the strategy laid out and see how messaging develops under it, they can use the tools for versioning throughout the year.


Allison Laux Consulting Inc. Method

Include the geeks

  • Digital communications are crucial

  • The digital team should start the journey with everyone else

  • The digital team will teach UX… and learn brand