Brand strategy


Enhance belief in the brand through inclusion



Engagement Model includes diverse voices

Process is highly collaborative

Internal team contributes

The result is a one-page guide


Brand strategy is something I was schooled in at Ogilvy by masters. The truism then was that people are more interested and loyal when they feel emotionally connected. This is still essential now.

Can your employees and stakeholders clearly articulate your brand? Does this articulation give them a reason to believe in what they are selling, or buying?

There are two main reasons to undertake brand strategy work:

1. Your brand isn’t communicated consistently

There isn’t one simple articulation of the brand, that can be used as a guiding light for organizational culture, product ideas and marketing messaging. This results in a confusion in purpose, how to behave or how to message.

2. You have a new strategic vision for the brand

The new strategy is ready, but there is a significant gap between the old way of doing things, and the new way to go forward. Engaging stakeholders to work collaboratively towards a refreshed brand will help the organization jump forward.

My method is highly collaborative and you will be along for the journey:

  • You and your team personally contribute to discovery
    and idea-building

  • You will help decide who to engage, and when

  • You receive reports on learnings as they develop

  • You’ll see your thoughts in the final idea


Allison Laux Consulting Inc. Method


Brand strategy tool  


Brand promise

Simple articulation of the highest purpose of the brand
Gives people a reason to believe
Highest level communication that all messaging ladders up to

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Rallying cry

Inspirational message to engage and inspire



Spirit of the brand that sets the tone for culture and communications

Message 1

Message 2